Pediatrics is a crazy specialty in so many different ways.
Which other specialty will gather around a baby on rounds (Attending included) and collectively go awwwwww
Where else would a blood pressure of 60 systolic be completely okay for the patient?
Congenital diseases. Oh my goodness. This is where all the cool medicine happens. Pediatricians are the first to receive and diagnose these kids! (Think House) Even if you see an adult patient who has a congenital disease, they almost 100% would have had it diagnosed already....and if they haven't, they are most likely dead - unfortunately.
You basically have to know the development of the human body like the back of your hand. From fetus to neonate to infant to child to teenager to young adult. That's only about 18-20 years and approximately 25% of your life but everything about the body changes in that amount of time.
Wait, you can do a lumbar puncture without a CT scan first? Even if there's edema in the brain?? Even if there's a midline shift??????? Well, only for babies until their fontanelles close I suppose..but still, how cool is that?
I'd like to think that pediatricians play the greatest role in protecting society. Immunizations anyone? In my opinion, the single greatest advancement in modern medicine. Although it can sometimes be quite frustrating dealing with parents who don't want to vaccinate, pediatricians are still the ones at the forefront, trying to give kids their shots at the right time. Case in point: Spain 2015
I can't understand why this still happens. The parents are never going to forgive themselves.
Crazy isn't it?
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